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WHO’s Data Says, Single Day Cases In India Are Higher Than US And Brazil In Last Week

India continues to suffer from the ongoing pandemic as the fresh cases of the virus are increasing at a rapid phase. In July, the virus was pandemic outbreak was at peak.

Adding more problems, an analysis of the data collected by the World Health Organization(WHO) has found out that over the last seven days, fresh infections in a single day in India is higher than US and Brazil

India which is the third worst-affected nation in terms of virus outbreaking reporting more cases than the US and Brazil that are the top two worst-affected nations is an area of concern.

Between August 4-10, India reported as many as 4,11,379 infections, while 6,251 pandemic patients succumbed to the dreaded virus. The United States added 3,69,575 cases and 7,232 fatalities.

Coming to Brazil, the nation witnessed 3,04,535 infections and 6,914 fatalities in connection with the contagious disease in the last week.

Compared to the United States and Brazil, the only positive thing with India is that along with the fresh cases the recoveries in the country are also increasing at a rapid phase.