Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, Telugu superstar Chiranjeevi has donated Rs 5 crore to the Jana Sena party. Chiranjeevi’s younger brother Pawan Kalyan is the chief of the Jana Sena party which is contesting the Lok Sabha and Andhra Pradesh legislative assembly elections, alongside the TDP and BJP. Jana Sena chief Kalyan met the Tollywood superstar and his brother Chiranjeevi at a movie shooting location.
Pawan Kalyan’s second brother Naga Babu also accompanied him. A press note released by the Jana Sena stated that on the occasion, Chiranjeevi handed over a Rs 5 crore cheque to Pawan Kalyan for the party to fight the elections. The Jana Sena chief went to Pochampally, 80 km from Hyderabad, where Chiranjeevi was shooting for his new film, Vishambhara. The two brothers had a chat about politics and other things during their meeting.
Assembly and Lok Sabha elections in Andhra Pradesh are scheduled for May 13.