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Glow this summer with these skin care tips

Beauty as Plato had famously said, lies in the eyes of the beholder, but none the less we give a fair try so that our skin may soothe the eyes of every passing life.

With so many products in the market one can only wonder what could be the best one to pick; this often leads to wrong decisions and wastage of money. To make your task easier, we have brought to you some easy beauty tricks that will guarantee you benefits.
Tea Water and Honey Face Pack

You will need a cup of tea water which should be cooled down, two spoons of rice flour, half a spoon of honey. The rice flour is important here because it acts as a very good scrub and honey moisturizes the skin.

Mix the ingredients and then carefully apply on your skin, then leave it on till it dries completely for 20 minutes or even more. Then before you clean the mask with water you must massage the face in circular motions, this is important so that it can remove all the dead skin and even your skin tone. You can then use cold water to wash your face and you will notice that this gives you a fairer even skin tone.
Almond Oil for Hands

Almond oil can be a great hand moisturizer, as it has a light texture and abundance of vitamin E penetrates the skin and protects the hand and nails from any sort of environmental damage.

Take one teaspoon of almond oil into your hands and cuticles and then wrap each hand in a small towel to allow the oil to penetrate for at least 5 minutes. Then you can wipe the excess oil off your hands and any remaining oil will be absorbed over the next few minutes. Be careful not to rinse your hands, and use a rich hand cream to finish.
Milk to Exfoliate

Milk contains lactic acid that serves as a gentle skin exfoliate, and the natural fat content acts as moisturizer for the body. Add a gallon of whole milk into a tubful of warm water and soak, indulge in this extravaganza which is better than sugar and salt scrubs. You may also take a fragranced bath by adding 10 to 20 drops of any essential oil.
Chamomile Tea to Compress

This soothing beverage can be used to make a calming compress. Chamomile tea is anti-inflammatory in nature and so it reduces the redness and puffiness around the eyes. It also tends to soothe your irritated complexions.

You should soak a clean washcloth in chamomile tea steeped to a golden yellow and then apply it to the skin as a compress. You must then rest the compress on your skin for at least 10 minutes before rinsing and drying off. To treat puffy eyes you can roll the washcloth in order t create an eye pillow.
Oranges for Dead Skin Cells

Oranges have fruit acid in them that loosens the dead skin cells, and so it is good for your skin. Cut a fresh orange in half and squeeze the juice of one half into a bowl, then after wards add 1/4 cup granulated sugar and 1/4 cup olive oil and let them blend into a moisture rich scrub. Rub this preparation to the exposed side of the other half of the orange over your knees, elbows and other dry spots. Then finally rub the sugar mixture to get rid of the dead skin, and rinse with warm water. Do not rub your skin, but gently pat it dry.

When you can reap great benefits from natural sources, what good are products that are chemically induced.